Expertsvar:2021-10-20 14:00:44

Vem som helst får köra en spanskregisterad bil i Spanien, så länge personen i fråga har giltigt körkort och bilen naturligtvis är försäkrad. I den händelse att man lånar ut bilen för en längre period kan det vara en bra idé att skriva ut en fullmakt med kopia av ägarens ID samt signatur, i den händelse att bilen blir stoppad i en poliskontroll, så man kan intyga att bilen inte är stulen.
Mats Björkman/Sydkusten

2021-10-22 22:31:05
Kolla också med bilförsäkringsbolaget så att det inte är hinder där. På försäkringen för vår bil har vi sagt att ingen under 26 år kör bilen. Skulle tippa på att om någon under 26 år kör bilen och något händer så kommer det bli trassligt.

2021-10-23 09:48:01
Det finns en grupp spanska poliser som driver sidan N332 på Facebook.
De har lagt ut följande. På engelska, men för de flesta är det inget problem. Använd annars översättningsprogram.

🚗 Can someone else drive my car?

It seems that over the last few days, there has been rumours going round in some Facebook forums that you can be fined for driving your friend, neighbour, family member's car, when neither the car nor the insurance is in your name.

‼️ This is not true. You will NOT be fined for driving someone else's car, as long as the car has all correct papers (e.g. Permiso de Circulación, ITV in force, and insurance), and that of course anyone that drives the car must have a valid driving license.

There is, though, a way to make paperwork easier if someone regularly drives your car, for example if you don’t live in Spain and a friend or neighbour uses your car instead of you.
You can contact the DGT to inform them that there will be someone else regularly driving your car. This is beneficial because that way, if any driving infraction is committed by this person driving your car, they will be automatically notified, and be able to deal with it directly.
You can see how to do this here:

It is also important to inform the DGT when that person STOPS using your vehicle regularly, so you then obtain any paperwork of possible infractions.

If someone else was driving your car when an infraction occurred and the paperwork has gone directly to you, you can contact the DGT to get them to inform the other person. See how to do it here:

What about insurance?

Anyone (with a valid driving license) is insured to legally drive your car, but, you should contact your insurance company and find out how in your particular policy, if the person who drives your car is under 26 years old OR if their license is a non-eu license, is affected. In which case, they *could* be subject to extra costs, if an accident occurred.